dont you remember?

hampir setahun yang lalu, 26 februari 2012 , god has predestine us to be together. you said you lucky to have me. im really happy to be with you.

26 maret 2012, our friends started to knowing our relationship

  26 april 2012 we looked comfort

26 mei 2012 im starting think about somespecialthing to make you happy.

26 juni 2012 too much stories. you are means.

26 juli 2012 you starting to near with my family

26 agustus 2012 troubles comes one per one. but we are stil survive
26 september 2012 we are starting to be a colleger and our campus separated apart.

nevertheless we still together in 26 november 2012 you had promise me something that u'll never leave me, you are sure with our relationship, make me really sure if you are the last. im so happy :')
(although no photos)
im still sure and loving you in 26 desember 2012and im started to planning about something special in our first year anniversary

26 januari 2013 you have many friends and you just think about your own future without think about our truth that we had trust, and im still survive

 in 9 februari 2013 we had really broke up, you want it just because a little thing. you said you didn't free with me. i dont understand. you were who make the rules in our relationship for always communicate each other. and you are not. but im tryin to repair it and survive till finally you give up just becuse the little thing. i really dont know what happened to you 3-|

in 26 februari 2013 is our first year anniversary, oour first year failed anniversary x'( and i'll here without you with this truth and the same feelling, but i must be strong...

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